SERP Tracker Report Page Overview

Monitor Your Keyword Rankings

SERP Tracker - Keyword Rank Tracking Tool

SERP Tracker by is a comprehensive tool designed for monitoring keyword rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This tool allows users to track their keywords' positions in search engine results, including local and organic listings. The tool is particularly useful for gaining insights into ranking changes, with in-app and email notifications for significant shifts. Additionally, it supports setting specific locations for more targeted insights, making it an essential asset for SEO professionals and website owners to monitor their online visibility.

Monitor Your Keyword Rankings on Google and Other Search Engines with Our SERP Tracking Tool’s Award-Winning SERP Tracker, a key component of our Keyword Research Suite, offers precise tracking of your keywords on Google and other major search engines. Renowned for its ease of use and accurate analytics, the SERP Tracker provides clear insights into your keyword performance and online visibility.

In-Depth Keyword Ranking Insights

Detailed Keyword Ranking Analysis

The report displays each monitored keyword along with its performance on different search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It includes data points such as the current rank, the best rank achieved, and changes over various time frames (1 day, 7 days, 30 days, all time). Users can compare keyword rankings across different dates.

  • Extensive keyword metrics for informed decision-making.
  • Filters for targeted keyword analysis.
  • Export functionality for advanced analytics outside the platform.
SERP Results
Mapping Your Keyword Rankings Over the Month

Ranking Distribution Over Time

Users can view the distribution of keyword rankings over the past 30 days. This feature offers a visual representation of how keywords have performed over time, helping to identify patterns or shifts in ranking.

  • Graphic representation of keyword overlap.
  • Identifies common and unique keyword opportunities.
  • Direct comparison with up to four competitor domains.
  • Visualize data with an interactive Venn diagram.
keywords search volume
Weekly Insights into Ranking Fluctuations

Weekly Direction of Changes

This section provides insights into the directional movement of keyword rankings compared to the previous two weeks, allowing users to quickly gauge overall performance trends.

  • Visualization of ranking trends over the past two weeks.
  • Easy identification of keywords improving or declining in rank.
  • Comparative analysis with previous periods for pattern recognition.
keywords search volume
Keyword Level Location and URL Tracking

Flexible Campaign Management

Our SERP Tracker’s advanced customization options enable detailed and specific tracking of keywords across various URLs and locations within a single campaign. With the ability to assign unique URL and location settings to each keyword, our SERP Tracker offers unparalleled flexibility and precision in monitoring SERP results.

Tailor your keyword data with advanced filters and export your findings for a granular approach to your SEO campaigns.

  • Customize data views with powerful filtering options.
  • Export data for deeper analysis and reporting.
  • Select keywords and send them to our Bulk Checker to run more analysis on them
  • Aggregate keywords by selecting them and adding them to a list.
Keyword Golden Ratio
Facts in Figures

Comprehensive Suite of SEO Tools
All You Need Under One Roof

Our SERP Tracking tool is a key part of our easy-to-use SEO toolkit. SERP Tracker is perfect for tracking your keywords on search engines like Google. SEO experts love it for its straightforward data and simple interface. Join our growing community, continuously monitor your search engines visibility and take control of your online presence.

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Pricing Plans

Interested in Our SERP Tracking Capabilities?
Discover the Full Array of Features at Allintitle

Experience the power of with our competitive monthly subscriptions which provide full access to our leading SERP Tracking tool. Check out our pricing options and the wide range of functionalities Allintitle offers.

Here is how tokens can be used:

  • Bulk Checker (Allintitle and KGR bulk checker) – 1 token per keyword
  • KW Explorer – 2 tokens per search
  • People Also Ask – approximately 1-5 tokens per search, per search engine
  • Ranking Gap – approximately 1-15 tokens per competitor, depending on how many keywords they have
  • Backlink Gap – approximately 1-15 tokens per competitor, depending on how many keywords they have
  • SERP Tracker – subscription only
  • Writer Assistant – 1 token to start an article and 2 tokens to access each of the keyword tab, competitive tab, SERP and plagiarism tabs

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